
Monday, March 5, 2012

The Writer's Stop, Drop, Roll

Firefighters teach us to stop, drop, and roll if our clothing ever catches on fire. For writers, the flames of fear and discouragement can destroy our dreams. What should a writer do to extinguish these dream killers?

STOP! If you catch yourself in negative self-talk, examine your thought life. Replace those words with positive, faith-filled expressions.

DROP! Leave the pity party behind. The things that make you want to give up won't always be there. They will pass. Everyone has good and bad days.

ROLL! See the positive side of rejection and negative feedback. Instead of allowing them to be the knock-out punch, roll with them and use the experience as a steppingstone.

How do you Stop, Drop, and Roll as a writer?

Picture: jewellanne


  1. Hi Susan .. that's a good analogy - and the next day everything is different isn't it.

    I have to admit during the last five years when both my uncle and my mother (in-laws) were/are ill .. when another challenge came up .. I'd mentally turn on my heel and rethink .. re calibrate perhaps ...

    My uncle remarked he didn't know how I coped. Thankfully I was able to rattle and roll with him - rationalise my thoughts .. and he helped me as well, but I didn't dwell on things that were irrelevant or would upset him - I just got on with solving what I could .. and life moves on.

    A good learning curve .. Have a good week .. this is a great post! Cheers Hilary

  2. Sometimes, I just lay low for a while. And that seems to get me back on track. I sent 21 submissions last month. Now I rest a bit, but when the bug bites, I'm back at it. I shall now associate STOP-DROP-ROLL with writing. Good topic.

  3. Hi Hilary - My relationship with the Lord is the stabilizing factor in my life. His Word assures me that He will never leave me nor forsake me.

    Hi Linda - Wow! 21 submissions in a month! Yes, taking a break does help. We all need to re-charge.

    Susan :)

  4. Oh, I love this, Susan! It's inspired of the Lord.

    How I deal with discouragement is to reach out to more experienced, wiser people for advice and prayer. That always helps.

  5. Susan, this is great! I'm definitely going to remember it.

    I try to always keep moving. No matter if I hear negative or positive news or have negative thoughts, I still keep moving forward and trying to push myself to be better.

  6. Great wisdom here, Susan.

    Stop: When doubts fill my mind.
    Drop: To my knees and pray about it.
    Roll: With what God puts on my heart.

  7. Excellent analogy! Love it. I am sorely in need of it of late, too, so thanks so much.
    Hugs and blessings,

  8. Hi Jen - Yes, I also seek counsel from others. Sometimes they can see the situation better because they're not wrapped up in all the emotion.

    Hi Cindy - I like to paint word pictures. It makes principles easier to remember - at least for me!

    Hi Loree - Oh, I like your stop, drop, and roll!

    Hi Marja - Inspiration came as I watched a news story on a fire.

    Hi Karen - Well, you know how much I've needed this the past few months! I figured someone should benefit from my painful lessons. :)


  9. This is so timely for me, Susan. I've been wallowing in some negative feedback and have been reminding myself that it really is an easy fix in the grand scheme of things. There's no growth without a little pain, right? :)

  10. Wow, Susan, what a great analogy for us writers to chew on. Thanks for posting this. I'm going to remember "stop, drop and roll." I once talked with a counselor and he said something similar: "recognize the destructive message and refute it with the truth." We have to replace those negative thoughts with God's Words. Have a blessed day.

  11. Oooh, I LOVE this! Did you make it up? It's awesome.
    I do roll after rejections. My biggest motivator is knowing I have more stories inside me. If one gets rejected, I'll write another. *grin*

  12. I have heard what you have written before - when you start talking negatively to yourself you are supposed to say stop to yourself and change. sandie

  13. This is a wonderful post, Susan! I really, really like this.

    Friends like you help me to 'stop, drop, and roll' by reminding me. :)

  14. Insightful as always sweet friend! :O)

  15. I love your analogies, Susan. My stop-drop-roll technique includes a lot of prayer. I've found the Lord to be a wonderful writing partner.

  16. Hi Sarah - When I was preparing to enter a contest, it seemed daunting. With a little help from my writer buddies and lots of prayer, it wasn't so bad.

    Hi Dena - Ooo, I love that quote.

    Hi Jess - I was inspired by a news story about a fire. :)

    Hi Chatty - Sometimes if we say things just a little differently, it hits home. :)

    Hi Rhonda - It seems all I've been doing the last couple of months is stopping, dropping, and rolling!

    Hi Diane - Thanks. Nice to see you. When are you coming to visit me again?

    Hi Jean - Thank you. I love your posts as well.

    Susan :)

  17. Oh, Susan! I love this. Not only so true, but easy to remember and tell to self when self is trapped by smoke and fear. Thanks you for your words of wisdom. xx

  18. Hi Dorothy -

    Thanks for stopping by and commenting.

    Susan :)

  19. Susan,
    I love this. What a great mantra for every writer to keep handy.

  20. Hi Kathi -

    Thanks for stopping by and commenting. I thought it was memorable. After all, that's why firefighters use it. :)


  21. Susan:
    I have felt stalled. Thank you for these reminders. I appreciate your posts like this.

  22. Hi Quiet Spirit -

    I'm so glad these posts are helpful. Praying that your writing car will soon be humming along. :)


  23. Great analogy, Susan. I've got the stop and drop part down, but still working on the roll. :-) Thanks for the encouraging words!

    Be well.

  24. Hi Janette -

    LOL! Aren't we all?

    Susan :)
