
Friday, November 11, 2011

Friday Round-Up - #181

Heather Sunseri, at Balance With Purpose, deals with the question of blogging and the fiction writer. She talks about our audience, should we blog about writing or the theme of our book, and other fascinating details.

Even if you aren't a novelist, there's enough food for thought on the whole subject of why and how we blog. Check out the post, and let's discuss our views on the subject.

Have a great weekend!


  1. Thanks so much, Susan, for the mention!! My opinions on blogging and the fiction writer are always evolving. I can't wait to see what others have to say on the subject. I'll stop by later. Happy Friday!

  2. Will check out this post. Heather always has good things to say. :) Thanks, Susan!

  3. I'll be checking that one out for sure. Thanks! And have a great weekend!

  4. I'm not a fiction writer, but I think about this quite a bit. Thanks for the link, Susan.

    Hope all is well with you and your mom. Still praying for wind at your back, you and the lovely Mizz K. :)

  5. Somehow I missed Heather's posts this week. Not sure how they disappeared from my dashboard, but thanks for mentioning this, Susan. I'm off to check it out! :)

  6. Hi Heather - I appreciated your article. For me, blogging is all about connection. Pour into them, love them, and bless them.

    Hi Karen - Great article. I know you'll enjoy it.

    Hi Cindy - Have a blessed weekend!

    Hi Rhonda - I think the principles can apply to both fiction and non-fiction writers. :)

    Hi Sarah - This was an older post. I schedule my Round-Ups ahead of time.


  7. I love how writers help each other succeed. I wonder if other professionals do the same within their ranks, or hoard their secrets. Heather is a blessing!

  8. Hey there! Just wondering how the submissions are going?? I hope you hear good news soon!
