
Monday, May 9, 2011

Keep Your Eyes on the Road

Have you ever seen a driver applying make-up while navigating through traffic? I have.

Ah, and then there are the folks, who carry on a telephone conversation or text while driving.

Would you drive with your eyes exclusively on the rearview mirror?

Even as lack of focus can result in serious injury or death while driving, it can keep you from fulfilling your destiny as a writer. Fixation on past failures or successes can jeopardize your present and future.

Keep your eyes on your goal and the One who planted it in your heart.

Agree? Disagree? What are your thoughts?


  1. Wonderful analogy, Susan! Dwelling on failure doesn't do anything except maybe make us feel depressed. We learn from it and move on. I like the reminder in Philippians 3:14 -- "I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus." It isn't a reference to writing, but it's still a good reminder to stay focused on a worthwhile goal.

  2. I agree. Although looking back has its merits, looking forward helps one meet their goals.

  3. This is where the enemy loves to trip me up, convincing me I need a little lipstick. I need to make that call. I need to look back. Look back. I'm thankful I have Lot's wife as an example.

    It tends not to help me all that much...the looking back.
    ~ Wendy

  4. Hi Carol -

    Yes, we learn from the past, but we can't live there. When we write, we're admonished to dole out backstory in bite-sized pieces. Otherwise, the action stops, and the reader loses interest.

    Susan :)

  5. Hi Linda -

    Absolutely. As I said in my previous comment, lessons learned from the past are good.

    Susan :)

  6. Hi Wendy -

    I think all of you have brought up some excellent points. How you look back, your attitude, decides whether it is profitable or not.

    If the looking back is an exercise in beating yourself up for mistakes, it will pull you down. If it's to say, "I know to avoid that pitfall," that's a whole different story.

    Susan :)

  7. Good analogy! I've never applied makeup while driving, just while riding. It's not a good time to apply lipstick if you are on a bumpy road. :/

  8. YEP! I agree. A funny sidenote - my husband and I just made a promise to each other that we will never text and drive.

  9. Good words, Susan! Great wisdom for everyone, not just writers.

    Happy spring, friend.

  10. So true, Susan. Just a second's lack of focus results in bad things! thanks for reminding me to keep my eyes focused on the goal. (And thanks, too, for reading and commenting on my blog.)

  11. Hi Karen -

    I have enough difficulty applying make-up while standing in front of my bathroom mirror! There's no way I'd attempt it while driving. :)


  12. Hi Katie -

    Good for you! I wish more people would make the promise not to text while driving. Our roads would be a lot safer.

    Susan :)

  13. Hi Rhonda -

    Thanks. I hope many people take away an important message whether or not it's about writing.

    Susan :)

  14. Hi Dena -

    I hope some folks from my blog will visit yours. Your posts always get the gears moving in my brain. :)


  15. I too hope people will heed your message.

  16. oh, what a great analogy, Susan! My hubby's always telling me to keep my eyes on the road since I get so easily distracted. I think that seeps into my spiritual life as well. Thanks for this reminder.

  17. Hi Susan .. too true - we have to keep focused on our own goals, not those of others .. everyday work on something that is taking us forward;

    we're the ones with the drive, the desires .. we don't want to spend life in the slow lane, looking back or chatting away while the world passes us by ..

    GO DO! Like Oates and crew - I'll be doing him this month I hope! Cheers .. Hilary

  18. Hi Sandie -

    Me too.

    Susan :)

  19. Hi Melanie -

    I think we all struggle to stay focused both on the natural road and the writing path.

    Susan :)

  20. Hi Hilary -

    You bring up a good point. Comparing ourselves to others is another distraction we can do without.

    Susan :)

  21. That's a great anaology. As long as we keep our gaze on Him, we'll be in good shape regardless of the weather.

  22. This is a great analogy. I will "keep the One who planted it in my heart" in focus as I do my writing. What a lovely way to express that.

  23. Great post Susan! It can be crippling looking in that rearview mirror all the time. That's for sure!

  24. Definitely agree!
    It's important to look back every once in a while to see where we've been and how God has used each experience, but to focus on the past alone will wreck your present.
    Fantastic! Thanks, Susan:)

  25. Hi Stephen -

    Thanks for stopping by and commenting.

    We get tripped up when we allow ourselves to consider our past or present circumstances. I like what the N.T. says about Abraham: He didn't consider his age or the fact Sarah was barren even in her prime. He didn't consider it, but trusted God to fulfill His promises.

    Susan :)

  26. Hi Nancy -

    I'm glad those words inspired you. :)


  27. Hi Tana -

    I think about another scripture that talks about His Word lighting a path for us. Each day, I want to make some progress in my relationship with Him and His destiny for my life.

    Susan :)

  28. Hi Kristen -

    Thanks for pointing out that the past can encourage us. As we see the Lord answering prayer and leading us, it strengthens our faith for current and future challenges.

    Susan :)

  29. Hi Susan, I've seen your smiling face on many of my writer friends' blogs, so I decided to check out your blog and say hi. :)

    Wow, I love this analogy. I have a friend who is notorious for doing everything humanly possible EXCEPT drive when she's driving. Definitely nerve-wracking...just like we can fray our nerves by focusing on the past.

    Have a great weekend! :)

  30. Hi Sarah -

    Welcome! I'm so glad you stopped by. I post here Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.

    Many people take driving for granted. Until they have an accident or know someone who gets hurt, they don't realize what damage and heartache can result.

    Susan :)

  31. Focused on the goal ahead. But I want to look good on the journey. And that's all I'll say about that. ;)

  32. Hi Sandra -

    Thanks for stopping by. I just started a new job, so blogging has dropped a couple of notches on my to-do list. I'll visit you tonight. :)

