
Wednesday, April 29, 2009


They say, "violets are for remembrance." Today, I want to remember. After a month of sad anniversaries, I need to reflect back on God's blessings.

On Saturday, my mother and I took a ride to a farmer's market about an hour away. It's a trek my husband and I often made. We enjoyed traveling through the countryside, observing flowers and trees, and savoring each other's companionship. My heart swelled at the sweet memory. I'm grateful my Mom is nearby and has eased the pain of my husband's passing.

I remember: A husband who brought me flowers for no reason other than I loved them.

A husband whose face lit up when I entered the room.

A husband who loved the Lord with all his heart.

A husband who worked hard to provide for us.

A husband who encouraged me to stretch my wings and write.

I miss him, but I'm so thankful for the precious years we shared.

I will never forget.


  1. The flowers are so pretty my mom and mother-in-law used to have so many pretty flowers but me, I have to look at them sideways, so they want see me looking or they will die.
    Please enter me into your contest if you have one to win a book,


  2. That is so beautiful Susan. I hope someday I can have such lovely feelings toward my marriage. (Not that I don't now, I'm just saying that I want to have a long, happy marriage).

    Thank you for such a precious post.

  3. What a beautiful post, Susan. Sounds like you had a wonderful marriage. You were blessed!

  4. Susan:
    This is truly beautiful. He loved you very much. I can tell by the deeds he did for you.

  5. Oh, Susan!
    How sweet and lovely that you are choosing to remember him by sharing with us, your friends.
    My heart aches with yours.
    I am so grateful for the hope the Lord gives us to see our loved ones again. I am looking forward to hugging my Daddy, and my grandparents...
    With love, Jeanette

  6. Hi Edna -

    While I love to garden, my Mom and Grandma had more success than I do.

    Thanks for popping by.

    Susan :)

  7. Hi Jess -

    Thanks for your kind words. I'm glad that I not only say how wonderful he was since he died, but that I expressed it to him while he was with me.

    One of the secrets to a happy marriage is showing gratitude and finding practical ways to express your love.

    Susan :)

  8. Hi Jeanette -

    My memories of my beloved are precious. It is my way of honoring him by sharing them with family and friends.

    I know we'll see each other again. What a blessed hope we have in Christ.


  9. Hi Jody -

    Thanks. Yes, I'm grateful for the time we had together. He was a special man.


  10. Hi Quiet Spirit -

    Yes, he did love me very much. The tiny bit I've shared can't begin to draw a full picture of our life. We had our ups and downs like every couple, but we always valued each other.


  11. Susan, as my husband is facing surgery on his carotid artery in a few weeks after having triple by-pass surgery 3 years ago, I've come to cherish him, our relationship, and each day with him the way it sounds like you did with your husband. Thank you for the quiet smile - we like to take drives in the country too.

    God bless you,

  12. I remember you saying this was the month he died and I pray your sweet memories together will be an easing of grief rather than a contributor. You are blessed to have had a wonderful man in your life. So many women won't be able to say what you have said about their husband and marriage.

  13. Hi Terri -

    There's no longer the sharp pain associated with grief. It's more of a gentle sadness.

    Thanks for your kind words. I know how blessed I was and always will be because of my husband's love.

    Susan :)

  14. Hi Kathi -

    Serious illness has a way of bringing us up short. We realize how fragile we are and how fast things can change.

    I'm thankful my husband and I had fourteen months after they diagnosed the leukemia. We made the most of every moment.

    We'll pray for your husband's surgery and a quick recovery.


  15. Susan: YOU won my office supplies contest!!! Congratulations!!!
    Please email me with your addy so I can mail it to you.
    Blessings, Jen

  16. Hi Jen -

    I did? Woohoo! Thank you so much. I'll email you in a few minutes.

    Susan :)

  17. what a blessing to read your post, Susan. hugs!

  18. Hi Jaime -

    Thanks for your kind words.

    Susan :)
