
Friday, December 5, 2008

Friday Round-Up - #26

I can't believe Thanksgiving weekend is history, and Christmas is around the corner. My shopping is done, but wrapping gifts and writing cards are major tasks still ahead of me. Gift bags work great for my Mom, but little kids love ripping that paper. Since I usually write a small book for people we don't see on a regular basis, Christmas cards are quite a project. I tried the infamous Christmas letter, but people aren't too keen on a typewritten, to-whom-it-may-concern missive. I guess they like the personal touch. How about you? Do you send out lots of cards? Do you write a Christmas, "State of the Family Letter?"

Kathy Ide has an article over at Pixnpens. She handles some of those knotty dilemmas on pluralizing words.

Did anyone out there complete NaNoWriMo? Did you get a good first draft of a future best-selling novel? How challenging was it to write 50,000 words in 30 days? If you did, please share your experience with us.

Reminder: Today is your last chance to enter my No-Strings-Attached Book Drawing. See the Monday, December 1, 2008, post for details.

Have a great weekend!


  1. Heading over to Pix 'n Pens soon.
    Sometimes I do cards, sometimes I don't. This year I will. And may send a picture too. But I don't write a lot. I also don't just sign my name. That seems like a waste, when there's nothing personal.
    I can't believe Christmas is so close either.
    Have fun wrapping!

  2. Hi Jessica -

    Pictures are great, especially when you have kids. It's nice to see them grow year by year.

    Susan :)

  3. I write out cards every year. I've never been big on the family "newsletter," but I might change my mind after we have kids. I'm sure I'll want to brag about how great they are or something to that effect.

    Have a great weekend!

  4. Hi Sarah -

    It's good to hear from you. How's Chris doing? We continue to pray for his swift recovery.

    I'm still dragging my feet with the cards and wrapping. With Christmas three weeks away, I'd better get moving. LOL!

    Susan :)
