
Thursday, October 2, 2008

Friday Round-Up - #17

Yippee! My copies of The Secret Place devotional arrived on Tuesday. The thrill of seeing my work in print never gets old. I've said it before: the small victories keep me moving forward on the larger projects.

I heard from Churchmouse Publications. They didn't think my submission was a good fit for their company. I might send them a devotional or two and see if there's any interest. Rejection is a painful part of the writing life. Yet, if writers don't take risks, they never get published.

James Stuart Bell is calling for submissions. He's doing an anthology for Howard Publishing, a division of Simon & Schuster. For more information, email Jeannette Littleton at

In case you missed my post on Wednesday, congratulations to the winners of the free book contest: Amy L., Sarah H., and Rose M. Down the road, we'll be doing more drawings.

My friend, Dr. Mary Ann Diorio, has a new blog: Check out her latest newsletter at

Let's rack up some words on our writing projects this weekend.


  1. Hi Susan,
    I didn't know that you have a devotional out! That's wonderful!! Congratulations.
    Sorry about the rejection. It's a good idea to send other stuff because they obviously like something, so even if that's not a good fit maybe something else is.

    I might check out that call for submissions. Thanks for posting it.

  2. Hi Jessica -

    Actually, there are two in this issue of The Secret Place. I'm excited because it's a new market for me. I have several more devotionals tucked away in a folder. I'll be submitting them soon.

    I'll try to locate the original email from God Sightings and send it to you.

    Susan :)

  3. Thanks for mentioning my blog and writers' ezine, Susan. Congratulations on your own blog! It's great! :)



  4. Hi MaryAnn -

    I'm happy to promote quality writing blogs and ezines. Your sites often provide me with the right encouragement at the right time.

    I hope you'll stop by again.

    Susan :)

  5. Hi Susan,
    The E means extroverted and the I introverted, so I guess you could say you're a split personality! LOL, you don't know if you want to be social or not. :-)

  6. Hi Jessica -

    Thanks for the info on the test from your blog post. There are times when I want to be around people, and times when I want solitude. So, I guess the results are accurate.

    Susan :)

  7. Susan, thanks so much for "finding" my blog and taking time to comment! Your blog looks wonderfully informative, and I will definitely be back here as well. Anything to do with Christian writers and readers is right up my alley! :)

  8. Hi Susan. I saw your comment at Cindy's about "What's Up Doc," and had to come on over and "meet" someone else who loves that movie. I'm enjoying reading your posts.

  9. Hi Second Cup of Coffee -

    Welcome to my blog!

    The last chase scene in that movie and her standing before the judge had me doubled over. I've never laughed so hard in my life.

    I hope you'll stop in again. I post Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.

    Susan :)

  10. Hi Cindy -

    Welcome! It's always nice to meet other writers. I'm glad you're enjoying the posts. :)

    I've bookmarked your site. See you soon. :)


  11. Hi Cindy -

    Welcome! It's always nice to meet other writers. I'm glad you're enjoying the posts. :)

    I've bookmarked your site. See you soon. :)


  12. Congrats on your devotions, Susan. Keep 'em coming :)

    In Him,

  13. Hi Christa -

    Thanks! I have four more devotionals ready to submit.

    Congratulations on the launch of your debut book, "Home Another Way." It's on my wish list.

    Susan :)
