
Monday, June 23, 2008

What's On My Nightstand?

Besides a lamp and clock radio, a stack of books completes my nightstand vignette. At any given time, I'm reading from 2-3 books. While Bible reading, journaling, and prayer jumpstart my day, reading fiction and non-fiction is an evening activity.

One of the volumes currently residing on my nightstand is A Rush of Wings by Kristin Heizmann. Noelle St. Claire, a wealthy young woman, snaps and heads for parts unknown. She settles down at a Colorado ranch, hoping to find safety.

The author deftly paints Noelle's emotional turmoil, using effective imagery. What long-buried trauma holds her in its grip? I could sense her panic when faced with new relationships.

Noelle's desperate efforts to escape the nightmares and anxiety attacks, as well as the heart-warming romance, kept me turning the pages. What are you reading?


  1. Okay, lets see, I'm reading Goal, Motivation and Conflict by Debra Dixon, a book from the Private series (a YA book), and lots of articles on exercise, fitness, and weightloss.

    We writers seem to also be good readers. Funny that.

  2. Hi Annie -

    My wish list includes Self Editing For Fiction Writers. I've heard it's an exceptional book.

    Yes, most writers love to read. You know who else enjoys reading? Commuters. When I traveled by train to visit my husband in the hospital, I'd say more than half of the people had a book.

    Susan :)

  3. Susan, I'm working on God's Smuggler by Brother Andrew - I needed a refresher in faith!

  4. Hi Christa -

    I read God's Smuggler years ago. It's a great faith booster when you read how the Lord brought him through so many dangerous situations.

    Thanks for stopping by.

    Susan :)
